Main page
SRS Zynq timestamping solution
FPGA projects
Overview of the Zynq timestamping solution
ADALM-PLUTO project build
MicroPhase AntSDR project build
ZCU102 project build
ZCU111 project build
Application notes
Application Note: End-to-End 4G testing with AntSDR
Application Note: Tx-Rx testing with ADALM-PLUTO
Application Note: Petalinux build, software cross-compilation and Tx-Rx testing with the ZCU102 and ZCU111 platforms
RTL modules
ADC DMA packet controller
ADC DMAC xlength sniffer
ADC FIFO timestamp enabler
ADC timestamp enabler packetizer
DAC DMAC xlength sniffer
DAC FIFO timestamp enabler
DMA depack channels
Timestamp unit lclk count
RFDC ADC data interp and pack
RFDC dac data decim and depack
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